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Adjunct Faculty/Country Coordinator Recruitment (UZBEKISTAN)

Вакансия № 37868 от компании "KDU (South Korea)" в населенном пункте (городе) Ташкент в отрасли "Образование и тренинги" на сайте мультирегионального Электронного Центра Занятости Населения (ЦЗН).


Актуальные вакансии в экономической сфере труда "Образование и тренинги" на портале Электронный Центр занятости населения Образование и тренинги; Adjunct Faculty/Country Coordinator Recruitment (UZBEKISTAN); 2000 $USD (177699 руб. РФ).

Adjunct Faculty/Country Coordinator Recruitment (UZBEKISTAN) Kyungdong University (KDU) is an accredited higher educational institution offering various employment-oriented undergraduate degree programs in South Korea. Currently, over 8,000 Korean and international students are studying at three campuses throughout the country: Metropol Campus, Medical Campus, and Global Campus. Metropol Campus is situated in Yangju city, approximately 30km from the capital – Seoul. KDU invites applications for Adjunct Faculty/Country Coordinator position in the fields of Business Management, Accounting, and Information Technologies for Metropol Campus commencing from Spring 2023 semester. Job Description Adjunct Faculty/Country Coordinator will be working from their country of residence and be responsible for teaching at least one online course per semester in their pertinent field. Teaching must be conducted in either English or Korean. In addition to online teaching, Adjunct Faculty will also oversee the coordination, establishment, and enhancement of existing and new partnership projects and promotional programs between KDU (South Korea) and the educational institutions in their country of residence. This is a contract-based full-time position. Detailed Responsibilities and Deliverables The main duties and responsibilities will include, but not limited to, the following: 1. Online teaching in English or Korean • Delivers online lectures and seminar sessions for students enrolled to undergraduate degree programs at Metropol Campus in compliance with the KDU policies and timelines regulating the teaching and learning standards and procedures. (Notes: One 3-credit course constitutes three hours of teaching per week and one semester lasts for 16 weeks). • Develops and effectively carries out general and weekly teaching plans and contents stipulating and targeting clear objectives and learning outcomes. • Conducts student performance assessments in compliance with the learning outcomes set in the general teaching plan. • Submits summative course reports, including weekly attendance sheets and grade reports, at the end of each semester. • Reports to and closely cooperates with the Head of Department throughout the semester. 2. Country Coordination • Represents KDU in various promotional campaigns and programs in their country of residence. • Establishes academic and research partnerships between KDU and educational institutions in their country of residence. • Develops and executes independent student recruitment plans and practices. • Organizes, facilitates, and supervises designated Project-Based Learning and Problem-Solving Learning programs and courses, particularly in the fields of Healthcare and Nursing, for KDU delegations and students visiting the partner institutions in their country of residence. • Reports to and closely cooperates with the Director of International Development Center at KDU Metropol Campus. Eligibility Requirements Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements: • PhD in Business Administration, Accounting, or Information Technologies from an accredited local or international educational institution. • Native or near native level of English or Korean language proficiency. • Citizen and current resident of the country targeted. • Proven record of academic research and publications. • Competent knowledge and experience in designing and implementing Project-Based Learning and Problem-Solving Learning programs and projects. • Capacity and eligibility to travel to South Korea at least twice a year for short periods of time (up to a week) during the winter and summer vacations in accordance with academic calendar of KDU. Application Documents* • Cover letter • Curriculum Vitae • Degree diplomas, certificates, and transcripts** • Certificates of employment, if applicable** • List of publications • Standard passport size photo (taken within the last three months) • Copy of passport or national ID card *Additional documents may be required depending on individual assessments. **All degree diplomas, certificates, and transcripts originally issued in a language other than English must be translated into English, notarized, and apostilled (or certified at the nearest South Korean embassy) prior to submission. Incomplete set of documents will not be considered for evaluation. Renumeration This is a full-time annual contract-based position. Successful candidate will be eligible to apply for South Korean E-1 (foreign faculty member) visa. Annual compensation will include Korean Teachers’ Pension contribution, income taxes and national health insurance and be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Submission Application documents listed above must be combined into one PDF file, strictly in the given order and forms, and submitted by no later than January 25, 2023. Original documents will be required to be posted via mail for the selected candidate. Only those who pass the document screening stage will be contacted and invited for online or face-to-face interview.

// KDU (South Korea)
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Вакансии Центра Занятости в социальных сетях и мессенджерах:

Общая информация об объявлении с вакансией № 37868 на должность Adjunct Faculty/Country Coordinator Recruitment (UZBEKISTAN)

Регион места работы Ташкент
Область деятельности (сфера, отрасль) Образование и тренинги
Вакансия на должность Adjunct Faculty/Country Coordinator Recruitment (UZBEKISTAN)
График работы/Тип занятости на вакантном месте полная занятость
Заработная плата 2000 $USD / 177699 руб. РФ
Вид оплаты оклад

Личная информация, предъявляемая работодателем к соискателям работы по вакансии № 37868

Возрастные требования от 26 до 45

Образование, опыт работы предъявляемые компанией по объявлению № 37868 для поиска сотрудника

Образование (требования к образованию искомого работника) ученая степень
Опыт работы по специальности (требования к опыту работы искомого сотрудника) 3 года

Дополнительные навыки, предъявляемые работодатем к претенденту на вакантную должность

Знание иностранных языков (требования к знанию иностранных языков) английский - профессионально

Условия работы, которые может предложить работодатель

Испытательный срок (условия испытательного срока на вакантной должности) 3 months

Информация о работодателе, разместившем вакансию № 37868

Название организации* (компании, фирмы, ИП) KDU (South Korea)
Ф.И.О. контактного лица представителя работодателя* Professor Dr. Juraev S. Sirojiddin ([email protected])
E-mail (электронная почта для получения справок по вакансии № 37868) [email protected] | Отправить сообщение >>

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